There's been a lot of transition and change in my life lately, most recently regarding my living situation. Right now I live in a house with four other housemates, three of which are moving out in the next couple of months for various reasons, such as going to grad school, pursuing life in the big city, and moving in with a significant other. I'm sad about loosing these housemates and friends, because this is by far the best communal living situation I've had in Portland, but I'm excited for the change and transition its bringing to my own life as well. I've got some rad new roomies lined up to move in, and I am also downsizing to a smaller room in the house, so to offset the cost of the new work studio I'll be moving into next week (so excited about that). Its going to be such a relief to finally be able to separate my home from my work. Maybe I'll come home and actually READ A BOOK or something, instead of having my work in front of me all the time and feeling guilty about all the things I SHOULD be doing. Guilt is probably the only thing I learned in college - you should always be working on something or reading ahead instead of enjoying yourself.
I took some time out last week to redecorate my living room, which after the departure of one of my housemates, was left with nothing but a rug and a bike pump. So depressing. I've been spending too much time in my room and not enough in my living room, and with the new smaller room I hope that will change. Now I feel good about the space and I actually sit in the living room and do computing, rather than hiding upstairs.
I found some really cool decorating items at thrift stores this week. In fact, it was probably the biggest thrifting score I've had in a long time. Ah, retail therapy! I found this cool stained glass pyramid thing, and this myrtle wood bowl and white ceramic twigs.

I also found science beakers, a wooden shoe form, and these cool hot pads (at least thats what i intend to use them for. I also bought my first ever living room furniture - a Barcelona chair and ottoman that I scored at a rad deal from a friend.

Most of the other decor I already had - the air plants, old photographs and wall hangings. I'm so excited to actually use the space, and am looking forward to the distraction of redecorating my new bedroom and studio. I'll post photos. If you thought that fashion blogs were distracting, try decorating blogs. I've been pouring over them for the past week looking for ideas.