Man, I am suffering from a major case of the winter time BLAHS! The first day of spring is oficially on Friday, and here in Oregon that doesn't mean anything unless you live in southern California where the weather is perfect all the time, I still have visions of cute dresses with no tights and being able to wear my favorite jackets without a hoodie underneath. And cute shoes without the fear of them getting wet.'s so soon.
This winter has been productive, maybe a little too productive because I'm feeling overworked and underwhelmed. I just created a new collection for fall 09, and I'm stoked about the clothes - they look amazing. I just haven't gotten around to marketing the collection yet because, well, I haven't felt inspired. I guess that's a problem that all creative professionals have to deal with, especially at the level that I'm at. Busting my chops to get everything done, designed, sewn, shipped, and I don't have time for myself. I've felt blah, blah, blah because I haven't had a spare moment to step back and see the bigger picture.
I don't like feeling blah, especially knowing that I have a great collection to be stoked on! So I'm on a hunt for inspiration. Or, better put, I'm determined to start documenting the things that inspiring me and letting them soak into my blood, rather than being a cool thought written down in a notebook and tucked away on a book shelf. In order for this to happen, I have to spend some quality time with these inspiring things - sit down, get to know one another, maybe have them over for dinner. Ha!
Or maybe I'll just document the things that I love in this blog, in hopes that other people will find them inspiring too.
While you wait for me to write the first entry, take a moment to enjoy my favorite image that popped up on Google images when I searched for "winter blahs". Its entitled "Dance away the winter blahs". I may not have these ladies' moves, but this image sure does put a smile on my face and forget about my blahs.